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  • Writer's pictureToronto Roof Repairs

The Ultimate Guide to Protecting Your Toronto Roof from Animal Damages:

raccoon on a roof
Raccoon made a hole in the shingle roof, and sitting inside

When Toronto's chilly winds start blowing, many of our local wildlife, like raccoons and squirrels, begin searching for shelter. And more often than not, our homes, specifically our roofs, provide the warmth and safety they seek. Having seen and rectified countless roofs damaged by these unintended invaders, I've recognized a clear need for homeowners to be prepared. Let me guide you through the ins and outs of protecting your cherished home from such unwanted guests.

Know Your Potential Invaders

Understanding the animals that might target your roof is the first step in prevention. Listen for distinctive noises: Squirrels chatter and scratch primarily during daylight.

Bats might emit squeaks and clicks in early evenings.

Nocturnal raccoons produce rustling or hissing sounds.

Recognize The Signs of Damage

These animals, while searching for a warm corner, can inadvertently cause severe roof damage:

Chewed wires risk sparking an electrical fire.

Look out for peeled or chewed-on shingles, indicating potential squirrel presence.

Large holes, sometimes as big as a basketball, signify raccoon activity. These holes can expose your home to elements like snow and rain, causing further harm.

"Roof damage isn't just a structural issue; it can lead to more significant, more expensive problems down the line." - Leading Roofing Expert

My First Encounter with Raccoon Damage

During my early years in the roofing business, I was called to a Toronto residence with massive water damage. Upon inspection, the culprit was a raccoon family that had chewed a significant hole in the roof. The homeowners were unaware until the first rainstorm. It was an eye-opener for both me and the homeowners about the importance of regular roof inspections.

Roof Inspections Are Key

Just as you'd get regular check-ups for your health, your roof requires periodic inspections, especially before and after winter. Apart from spotting animal damage, these inspections can identify other issues like mold growth or insulation problems.

Seal The Entry Points

To ensure your roof remains impenetrable to wildlife:

  • Check for any holes or gaps, especially in the fascia and soffit.

  • Install wire mesh covers on roof vents.

  • Consider professional help for tasks like capping chimneys or sealing significant openings.

In the roofing world, prevention always trumps cure. By taking early measures, you can save yourself from extensive repairs later.

Don't Wait until it is too Late

Roofs are more than just shelters; they're the protective shields of our homes. Don't let wildlife compromise that shield. If you've noticed signs of damage or need guidance on preventive measures, don't hesitate to reach out to us. And if you've faced such invasions before, share your story in the comments below. Together, we can keep Toronto's roofs safe and sturdy.

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